Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weigh-In Wednesdays, Week 7

Drum Roll Please.......Week 7.....

                                            Week Loss: 1 Pound
                                            Total Loss: 15 Pounds

The key to weight loss in our house.....preparation!

I found that Ben and I both eat healthier if I choose one day.....cut up/wash all the fruit and have it readily accessible. Also, we make our lunches the night before so that we don't have an excuse to go out to eat!

1 comment:

Meredith & Brett Hagedorn said...

Allison! What a rock star mama you are!! You're doing such an amazing job with your weight loss! Do you find Ww to be the easiest or just fits your lifestyle best?
Also, how did your thyroid procedure go?
Both boys are so precious!! Keep blogging :))